> 23 hours of total travel time: 18 transportationl time (8 hours air time, 4 hours driving, 1 hour train), 5 hours wait time :-p
> 6 states: Pennsylvania, Missouri, Kansas, Nevada, Oklahoma, Colorado
> 5 airports: Philadelphia, St. Louis, Kansas City, Las Vegas (!!!), Albuquerque
> 4 time zones: eastern, central, mountain, west coast....and then back into mountain!
> 3 lay overs
> 2 delayed flights, 2 airport meals
> 1 happy and AWESOME baby traveler!! :-) Yes, MJ was quite the trooper - incredible in fact. She was happy as a clam, and endured the endless day excellently! We were a bit jealous of her situation - why couldn't someone hold us while we slept?! :-p
But...we did eventually arrive!! And...(the most important thing) BRUNO and JOLYN are MARRIED!!
p.s. MJ had another amazing day - she slept through nearly the whole wedding! So, mama had fun shooting photos with Bruno's amazing camera.
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