Well...you may have guessed it with our post title. Meredith is rocking this 'potty time' business - and we are all loving it. :)
Throughout each day, MJ now gives us the sign for potty, or we ask her and she nods or signs it...then we strip her down and have some potty sitting time. This last week of heat was the perfect excuse for lots of nude baby time in our home. :)
Success doesn't happen each time, but every day we catch one or two times, and it's enough to keep her interested, proud and keep us cheering!
snacks are always helpful when doing one's business. ;)
rice cakes...again.
way to go! we have the same potty for Karen Poppy! same color too. she's quite happy with her "green potty". We passed some big baby bjorn (sp?) pink and red ones in the store the other day and she was just about floored, exclaiming joyfully, "oh oh oh! a pretty potty! a pretty potty! that's beautiful. ohhhhh." We were laughing! I came home and wondered if I'd cheated my daughter out of a beautiful designer potty when I got her the little green IKEA potty! it does the trick. :-D