Saturday, April 21, 2012

Another Bundle of...

Yep - you guessed it. :) Another bundle of joy is on the way - Baby #2!  We hope to hold our new little boy or girl in our arms sometime in early December.  We are all very excited!!  Hurrah for more baby sweetness in our home!!
  One little one hasn't quite grasped the concept yet, though she knows her Mama has been very sick lately and I keep telling her that "there's a baby in Mama's belly."  Upon hearing this, she lifts up my shirt, and looks suspiciously at my belly button.  Then, usually she checks her belly too...just in case. :)

Life has been VERY SLOW around here for the past few weeks, as I've been hit hard with hyperemesis again (I had this condition with my first pregnancy).  

Here are some photos two weekends ago when it was gorgeous outside and Erik set up a picnic for us in the back yard....luring me outside for some fresh air and all the comforts of my own bed on our lawn.  What a guy!!

Can you believe this little girlie will be a big sister this year?  This was just 2 years ago!  Time flies.


  1. Congratulations! There are few things more precious than watching siblings snuggle together and play together. We are so happy for you:-)

  2. Congratulations Jane and Erik, and little MJ! So thrilled for you! Praying for grace and strength for the coming days and weeks and that you will be able to have good help keeping your HG as under control as possible! Make sure to keep us posted on how you are doing!

    I certainly love keeping up with you all and seeing all are a beautiful family!

  3. Thanks, friends! We are thrilled and I'm so glad to have sweet MJ around as a daily (hourly!) reminder of why this pregnancy is SO worth it - sickness and all!

  4. Congratulations!!!! How wonderful and miraculous and exciting! Jane, I hope you can get the care and rest you need. (Does the hyperemesis ease at some point?) And I hope that the increase of sunshine and warm days can provide some relief, too, through the massive yuckiness.
