Thursday, May 23, 2013

Garden Update

Our garden plot at the community garden (across the street from our home!) is growing along fabulously!  We are harvesting salad greens everyday now, as well as radishes and onions.  And, we've been taking advantage of the garden's communal plots of delicious asparagus - so yummy!

Garden Gurus  

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

the little things

Now it's my turn to truly lay-low.  On Monday this week I sprained my right, I've had to have it elevated and iced since then. walking, driving, sewing, and carrying my two girlies for this Mama.  It's been interesting....

As always, Meredith continues to be inspired to mother her dolls with such care as we spend lots and lots of time at home these days. activities go on as her creativity blossoms.

And...I'm itching to get back to my sewing machine most of all....wondering if I can re-balance things and push the pedal with my left foot?  Hmmm.....  ;)

Friday, May 17, 2013


Meredith has been under-the-weather this, we've had lots of home and snuggle time.  Usually we are out and about with friends at various parks and play dates, but this week we were pretty low-key - hoping to keep our germs to ourselves!

Meredith set up this tea-birthday party - 
inspired by the party hats (a new use for part of Mama's sewing project)

Not much new with this kiddo - still chewing on EVERYTHING!

Blasting of LPs

Painting and exploring drips - so fun!

And, lots of play time at our community garden and their lovely sand pile :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Recent Meredith Quotes

A sampling of common phrases used by Meredith frequently that demonstrate a slightly different dictionary and logic than the rest of us.  :)

"Let's do that tomorrow-day!"  We are now adopting this excellent new word "tomorrow-day" in our vocabulary.  Great kid logic here - we say today, yesterday, someday, everyday.
Why not say tomorrowday?!

Upon wearing a new t-shirt for pj's that has music on the back (part of a Bach work).
"Look Daddy, this shirt has lessons on it!"  Life as a child of music teachers...hope she learns and appreciates music as more than just "lessons" someday. ;)

"How your day, Mama?" said on average 1/2 a dozen times each hour of everyday.  So, this weary Mama has taught Meredith the song, "This is the day that the Lord has made" - because, instead of wearily answering that question approximately 50 times each day, singing is a kinder/more appropriate response than the actual truth sometimes. :)

When asked if she'd like something more at mealtimes (or often anytime) the answer nearly always includes, "Um....yes, just a little bit." and/or "Um....yes, not too much though."

"I don't like hot sauce.  Just Daddy likes hot sauce, not me."  Said solemnly and many times each day at random moments.  Somehow, when we told her once that hot sauce was just something Daddy used with his dinner, she found this to a be profound truth and one that everyone needs to be reminded of often. is a clip of Meredith having one of her many, imaginary role-play conversations with her doll.  Guess who's the Mama here?!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

We had a snuggly Mother's Day as all the ladies in the household are recovering from bad colds this week.  We did manage to get out in the sunshine for a picnic lunch in the backyard, and we captured these photos.

These sweet girls of mine :) a special treat for Mama - rhubarb strawberry pie!! 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Big Sis and Little Sis

Meredith was given this "big sister" shirt before Eliza arrived.  So, when I found the "Little Sis" onesie at our amazing local consignment shop, The Nesting House, for just $2, I couldn't resist. :)