Showing posts with label fire truck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fire truck. Show all posts

Friday, April 29, 2011

Ice Cream!

Meredith had her first taste of ice cream recently. Last Friday we ran errands and one of our stops was IKEA. So... of course we had to get their $1 frozen yogurt cones on our way out. :)

complete amazement!
And...then this week Baskin Robin's ran their promotional deal - 31 cents per scoop. Can't pass that up!! So, yet again we had to go. :) Meredith had tastes of chocolate, mint chip and mocha fudge!

All the profit from the Baskin Robin's 31 cent deal is given to the local fire department. The Jenkintown Fire Co. was in the parking lot, so Meredith was given a complete fire engine tour and her own yellow hat!