Showing posts with label hike. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hike. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

7 months!

Cassie Lou is 7 months old!  On the 27th (her birth date) we spent a lovely morning and afternoon along the Wissahickon creek.  We hiked and played in the water, enjoyed a picnic lunch and had a lovely visit for a family of ducks.  Cassie Lou loved it all - watching her sisters, sticking her toes in the water and cuddling up with Mama for a nap in the woods.  What a joy you are, sweet wee one!  

Saturday, March 12, 2016

McKinzie visit!

Dad, Mom and Will came to visit with us last weekend.  We had beautiful weather, so we spent a lot of time outside.  A trip to the arboretum with a sunny picnic and walk around the grounds was a highlight!

Another day we went for a hike, and found the famous Fingerspan Bridge in the Wissahickon.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

hiking in the Wissahickon

We've enjoyed spending time in the woods this beautiful autumn whenever we can.  We explored some new paths in Fairmount park and grown very fond of the Wissahickon forest.

One morning we took our neighbor, Jack, with us and had a fun time tramping about in the woods, building rock towers, and throwing rocks in the stream.

family hiking photo!

hiking with Granna and Grandaddy during their visit in October

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day weekend

We had a wonderful weekend together as a family.  Saturday we set off in the morning to Nockamixon State Park, just about 1 hour north of us.  
We rented a row boat for 1/2 hour and rowed out onto the beautiful and huge lake.  This was Meredith's first time on a boat... and she was really not a fan.  There were tears and many, "all done!" , "go home" , "night night" - poor child, she really didn't like being out in that big body of water.  By the end of the 1/2 hour she settled down and we enjoyed the adventure.  We saw a beautiful heron catch a fish really near us (unfortunately I had just turned off the camera and by the time I had it up and running again, he had gobbled down his lunch).
 We're thinking of trying to ease Meredith into a boat experience next time with a small pond or river....
  We live and learn around here. :)

 Then, a picnic lunch by the lake and some fun ball playing time.

 Meredith was a huge fan of her new sunhat - yes!

Following lunch, we took a lovely hike in the woods and Meredith walked about 1/2 mile or so off and on.  Woot!  This little one may be ready for the big trails in a few years! 

We stopped by Adam and Jenny Dieffenbach's for a delicious meal and a much needed catching up with these dear friends.

Father's day was low-key - church, a picnic in our back yard, and long naps for everyone. :)

Erik used his new "grill basket" to grill up these veggies - yum! 
(soon to come - a post about our exploding garden you see in the back ground!)

Just like Daddy.  Oh my.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

picnic and hike

We had a lovely day on Wednesday this week. Erik was off for the day and with grandparents and Uncle Will in town we decided to head out for a picnic in the park and a quick hike. :)