Showing posts with label hippo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hippo. Show all posts

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Zoo Trip

Some generous friends included us on their trip to the zoo and got us in on their membership pass this week!  So very fun!!  Meredith is at such a fun age for animal viewing/spotting. :)

Of course, my all-time favorite were the giraffes.  How did you guess?? ;)

This guy kept trying to floss his teeth with his tongue....or was sticking it out at us.

Meredith loved watching the gorillas, and they were so active while we were there.

I can't stop laughing at the proportions of hippos.  Look at their ears in relation to the rest of their enormous bodies - hilarious!!

We saw a bit of a kids concert while we were there.  Meredith marched right up with the other kids when the musicians called upon children to "dance" to the music in the front.  What a social little girl. 

(Do you see Meredith holding her doll, "baby ellie?"  This baby doll gets constant attention and royal treatment in our household.  
Just hope it's all good training for Mer when our real baby enters her world) :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

mr. hippo

Speaking of knitting.... :-)

Another dear friend of ours - Mariah Weigel - just sent a gift for MJ

A knitted purple hippo!!