Showing posts with label rain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rain. Show all posts

Friday, March 8, 2013


Our day began with lovely snow falling...but with the quickly rising temperatures, everything was wet and most of the snow melted by the time we went for our afternoon walk.  But, what 2 year old doesn't like puddle jumping!?!?!  :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Storm Day #2

Yesterday Erik was home again due to public transit still being down from the storm.  We miraculously made it through hurricane Sandy without loosing power!  Philly wasn't hit as hard as NJ and NYC, that's for sure.  We are thankful.

Peter Spier's Rain  is a current favorite of Meredith's - such great pictures!

...the balancing many people can fit?!?

Meredith was a big helper to Daddy.

Mid-morning snack after Mama's nap #1 (yes, I was living it up having Erik home!)

A late afternoon grocery store shopping trip was made by Meredith - just in time for dinner!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rainy Days

We've had lots and lots of rain here over the past several days.  Yesterday Meredith kept asking me about going to the park...not today sweetie!  Just before nap time there was an impressive thunder storm.  We watched it together from our 2nd floor window seat. :)

Whoa...that was bright lightening!

And...loud thunder! 

I'm not scared! :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Rainy Day Saturday

(The rare post by Daddy.)

After my plans for a daddy-daughter date were thwarted by rain this Saturday (though I was still happy since it gave our tomatoes a good drink), I decided not to let that keep me from having some quality time with Mer with some rainy day activities.  

After building a tent in our living room, we spent a couple hours bringing her stuffed animals (all of whom she has now named - using the names of her toddler friends) into the tent, reading Curious George, and having a lot of laughs.

This was followed by a painting session before lunch.  After doing one each by ourselves, we collaborated on another (seen below).  MJ loves feeling the paint in her hands and smearing it across the paper (and her nose!). 

I feel as if her hands are as much a work of art as the picture we drew!  :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

watching the rain

Meredith had her first experience with a thunderstorm this week. We sat out on our front porch and she was wide-eyed and amazed!I was impressed that she wasn't scared of the thunder and lightening. She just looked all around and kept her eyes wide open!