Showing posts with label weekend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weekend. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Kitchen Re-do

After our big floor project in the kitchen and dinning rooms this past autumn, we decided to tackle painting the kitchen a few weekends ago.  It was a big job, and during the process we both agreed we were crazy, but it was so worth the mess and insanity for 3 days to have such a beautiful and fresh result!

 before with the old red

 primer done

starting to get the blue on....exciting!

ah..."clear water" blue :)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

NY trip

We made use of the long-weekend to make a trip to see our dear friends, Isaac and Emily and their new baby girl, Addie Belle. :)  What fun to cozy up together during this snow-filled winter over yummy food, lots of tea, stories and wonderful fellowship.  We visited with them and other friends last year over president's weekend too - perhaps this will become a new tradition! :)

meeting Addie Belle :)


lots of giggles!

caught the "just woke up from a nap" look

so excited to sled!

friends forever!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October Visit #3

Robb (Erik's college roommate, and RA pal from Wheaton) came to visit us this weekend.  He was involved in a wedding nearby, so we enjoyed moments with him in between his wedding festivities.  So fun to reconnect and hang out again.  Meredith was a huge fan of another guest staying with us, as always. :)

The weekend also included naps for various family members...
 And, we attended the Harvest Festival at the nearby Henry Farm in Philadelphia.  
Meredith had her first experience feeding goats and sheep.

 Baby Ellie was tucked in and "sleeping" during the whole adventure!

Next up - pumpkin painting!

and, finally - a chance to sit on a real tractor!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Carlisle Weekend

We spent last weekend in Carlisle, and brought our dear friends from Philly with us. 
 It was a lovely time together with a good balance of rest and activity.

We hiked a few miles of the AT on Saturday.  
Our toddler girls impressed us all by walking for nearly 2 hours!

We strayed off the trail and found this beautiful field...

After church on Sunday we share a picnic with Jane's childhood friend, Sarah, and her family.  
Between our three families we had 9 kids under five years old! 

These sweet girls continue to love being together and play so sweetly with each other.  

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


We did a few home projects/improvements this weekend. 
 I'm excited to finally be getting the girl's room put together step by step. :)

This piece has needed a face-lift for some time now...
...even before we salvaged it, I believe. :p

 So, Erik went to work to revive it...


A lovely compliment to the chair Erik recovered last year!

More photos to come of other recent projects...
...and hopefully photos of the finished girl's room!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Weekend Trip: part 2

On Sunday afternoon, 
we drove over to Houghton, NY to visit with Isaac and Emily.  

It was chilly-willy there, and Meredith and Erik popped off these beautiful icicles for a mid-afternoon snack. :)

Monday (President's Day) we had a leisurely morning filled with a delicious brunch and lively conversation. :) 
Later that afternoon we took a beautiful snow walk just up the road from our friend's home.

Eliza snoozed through the whole walk snuggled up tight against mama.

Meredith had a tough time walking on the ice-covered snow, so she enjoyed riding along with Daddy and Mr. Isaac.

Thanks so much, friends!  
We are so thankful for a wonderful weekend of rest and refreshment!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Weekend Trip: part 1

We took a road trip this past weekend to western NY to visit some dear friends.
First stop was Rochester to stay with Roman and Heather! :)

 Both girls loved Roman and Heather!  Lots of giggles and sweet times together :)

Thanks so much for a lovely visit!  Can't wait to see you guys again!