Saturday, April 28, 2012


Granna came for a visit last week to help and play!  It was a wonderful time (yay for rest and time to get back on my feet!) and especially for Meredith.  Lots of outside time, walks, gardening, playground dates, playing baby dolls, play dough and MJ's most favorite of all - singing and playing the piano with Granna! 

I love this video of them singing Meredith's current favorite song - BINGO!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Another Bundle of...

Yep - you guessed it. :) Another bundle of joy is on the way - Baby #2!  We hope to hold our new little boy or girl in our arms sometime in early December.  We are all very excited!!  Hurrah for more baby sweetness in our home!!
  One little one hasn't quite grasped the concept yet, though she knows her Mama has been very sick lately and I keep telling her that "there's a baby in Mama's belly."  Upon hearing this, she lifts up my shirt, and looks suspiciously at my belly button.  Then, usually she checks her belly too...just in case. :)

Life has been VERY SLOW around here for the past few weeks, as I've been hit hard with hyperemesis again (I had this condition with my first pregnancy).  

Here are some photos two weekends ago when it was gorgeous outside and Erik set up a picnic for us in the back yard....luring me outside for some fresh air and all the comforts of my own bed on our lawn.  What a guy!!

Can you believe this little girlie will be a big sister this year?  This was just 2 years ago!  Time flies.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Snuggle Bug

We have a snuggle bug on our hands!  Meredith is often reluctant to get up from her afternoon nap, and sometimes even in the morning.  ( this a glimpse into her teenage years ahead???)  :)  
Erik snapped these shots on a particularly snugly afternoon.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday was a gorgeous spring day here. Since we were all dressed our best, we hopped over to the Curtis Arboretum after church for a quick, light picnic and some photos.

Here are my favorites.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Birthday Treats

We caught MJ on film as she opened some special gifts from out of town family and friends. Thank you so much for making her birthday so special and sweet!!

excited about her new Curious George Books from cousin Liz in Boston!
green froggy boots from Granna :)
a special interactive soft book from Aunt Susi, Uncle Larry, Uncle Bruno and Aunt Jolyn
a special handmade doll carriage from Granna and Grandaddy
fun magna-doodle from Uncle, Aunt Bria and Lila
so many pretty stickers from Aunt Tricia!

reading her birthday card from Grandpa and Grandma with her new lion

Saturday, April 7, 2012


We've been busy around here (and absent from our blog, sorry!)
...because we've been celebrating our little girl's 2nd birthday!!
On April 5th, Meredith Jane turned TWO!!

What a full week of gifts arriving each day, friends, family, and lots of love shown to our sweet Meredith Jane. In our minds we can't believe she is TWO already, but what we experience everyday reminds us that she is growing more and more into a little lady right before our eyes. We are so thankful for the gift she is to us.

Party Photos!

Joe Cardillo with daughter, Micaela
Rachel Cardillo with their son, Emeth
Michelle, Judah, me and Meredith (we had to wrestle them into this shot)
silly Daddy!

Adam and Jenny
Meredith and Miss Jenny are special friends

Easter egg hunt
Micaela found the last egg! so proud. :)