Showing posts with label piano. Show all posts
Showing posts with label piano. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Piano Debut

Meredith and Daddy have a special piece together they perform several times each evening before bedtime. As you will see, Erik is intent on teaching her rhythm and rhythmic structure from the very beginning!  Meredith is catching on quickly and finds many opportunities to cheer for her own success! 

Gotta love those potty training undies too, huh? ;)

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Granna came for a visit last week to help and play!  It was a wonderful time (yay for rest and time to get back on my feet!) and especially for Meredith.  Lots of outside time, walks, gardening, playground dates, playing baby dolls, play dough and MJ's most favorite of all - singing and playing the piano with Granna! 

I love this video of them singing Meredith's current favorite song - BINGO!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mini Mozart ;)

Meredith loves playing the piano - especially now that she's pulling up and able to reach the keys. Everyday she wants to 'play piano' several times.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

a budding pianist

MJ and Daddy have special time together playing the piano.

Already she seems to have excellent hand position and some graceful wrist movement!