Friday, May 18, 2012

Chicago Trip: #1 (traveling out)

Please excuse our blogging silence this month.  I can't believe it's already passed mid-May and this is our first post of the month! :-p  We have been on the road for much of this month, so our computer access has been very limited. 
On May 3rd we set off on a 10 day trip in a large loop to Chicago land and back again.  Of course with a toddler and sick pregnant lady traveling was S-L-O-W, so we made the best of it and broke up the traveling days by stopping and visiting lots of friends and family. :)

Thursday, May 3rd we stopped by Jonny, Bria and Lila's home in Mechanicsburg, PA.  Lila had just gotten a sweet new playhouse, so she and Meredith had a blast romping around together that evening.

 They also "shared" the kid-sized piano for a few tunes together (in between lessons from the adults about not pushing!)


 The next day, May 4th was our longest driving day (8.5 hours driving + extra time for lots of stops) - treking out to Oxford, Ohio.  We visited with Jane's sister, Amy and her husband, Sam who are both graduate students at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.  We had a wonderful time visiting and seeing their beautiful campus.

 Their sweet kitties Gingko and Bamboo were less than thrilled (terrified?) with us invading their home.  Meredith on the other hand was beside herself with joy with two kitties in the house and trekked around faithfully finding their whereabouts every moment. :)

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