5 February 2014
"A man
is known by the company he keeps."
This collage of letters and pictures contains numerous tributes
to the marvelous woman I married nearly six years ago and have known for a decade. But this is only a third of the years we celebrate
on this day. I am reminded of why I love
Jane so much when I see her in the setting of the family and friends that have
surrounded her for 30 years. It comes as
no surprise that Jane is jolly, creative, strong, kindhearted, keen, nurturing,
lovely, thoughtful and faithful because of those who have and continue to show
the same qualities towards her.
As we celebrate Jane’s birthday,
I am thankful for the many people who love her and support her. All flowers flourish more when set in the midst
of a garden and I am glad to share in the same joys of this community that extends
over many years and miles. God is gracious in blessing Jane with such
family and friends as these below…and many more.
Happy Birthday Jane!
My dear Jane -
You were born on a snowy
morning, sky filled with swirling, white flakes pouring down fast and
furiously. The nurse laid you in my arms
and Dad and I looked into your small face for the first time. You know now, that there is nothing like that
moment. Head of dark, dark hair, tiny rose lips, the fairest skin. Dad carefully laid you in a tub of warm
water, his arm wrapped around your infant body for support, and softly rubbed
the vernix off your skin. I heard him
talking with you, and your first breaths of air. Wrapped in a warm towel then, you nuzzled
against me for your first taste of mama’s milk.
Your grandmother came with Amy, eyes wide with joy, to meet you, and we
soon were on our way home to settle you into our family.
Days, weeks, and months have
passed into years, and more years, and now you are thirty, with a loving
husband and babes of your own. The vibrant personality that we saw in you early
on has blossomed into a desire to live purposefully, creatively, and
meaningfully. You have always been a
determined visionary. You see something
- a bit of free time, someone in need of a friend, a discard on the roadside-
and you take action. You are driven by compassion, and a belief that you can
remake, comfort and so renew something or someone. You cannot sit idly by.
Your box of markers and
sketch books and dress up clothes have given way to fabric and paper arts, and
all things baked, canned, organic and yummy.
Your early vocalizing in the car led you into hours of disciplined flute
practice and study, and now I hear your soul sing out of silver. God has put an
irrepressible need to be creative inside of you, and those of us around you are
the benefactors.
You have lived well and
fully these thirty years. You have wanted to learn and excel, to read and know.
You have journeyed in countries across the ocean, fallen in love, birthed two
beautiful children, and made your wealth in friends. You have cried hard and laughed loud, known
both grief and joy. You have been richly
blessed, Janie, and so have we – for thirty years that the Lord has given you
life with us.
You are a wonderful daughter
and I wish you the happiest birthday ever!!!
I love you so, so much! Mom
I actually first met Meredith and Erik at the Nothacker’s house when Jane was pregnant
with Eliza and quite sick. Both the Nothackers and a mutual
friend mentioned introducing Jane and I, they all thought we would get along
great with our interest in “all things natural.” :).
We did indeed get to meet through MOPS and after Jane moved
just around the corner. What a treat and delight it was
been to have Jane and her sweet family living right around the corner. I appreciate being able to talk not only about “natural” things but connect over sewing
and gardening and organizing. Our girls also love playing
together and Arren has enjoyed hanging out as well. It’s been fun to see their friendships develop, Amari loves to
play with Meredith and they have similar modes of play with their imaginary
scenes that usually involve lots of bags. And if
we don’t see each other at our houses, we are sure to see each other
up at the community garden, a favorite communal spot of us!
I wish you a very, very happy birthday! It has truly been a joy and such a treasure to have your
friendship over this past year! Cheer’s to another great decade in your 30’s!
A birthday poem for you!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Thirty.. Someone said..
My goodness! Is it true?
Twenty looked good
on you
Twenty-five was even better
The calendar says you grew
But...I would claim twenty nine forever!
Whatever your age
Be sure to enjoy your day
It's just my thoughts on a page
To wish the best in every way
Have a great one!
Happy Birthday! I'm so thankful
the Lord crossed our paths during the one year Isaac and I lived outside
Philly. I've been blessed by your friendship so much and thank God for you. I
hope you find your 30th birthday to be blessed and you can reflect fondly on
all the years leading up to this big day and know that there are many more
memories to be made in your future. My fondest memories with you in the past
few years has been walking and picnicking at the Morris Arboretum with you guys
and your trip up to Houghton last year! It's been great fellowship full of
inspiration and joy.
So when I was 30, you were just
11. And yet now you, at 30, are one of my favorite friends!
You inspire me, you encourage me. You bring joy, laughter, art, music, fun,
thoughtful conversation, and good friendship. You are a kindred spirit, even if you are hundreds
of years younger than me, and I value so much all the facets of you.
You live thoughtfully,
authentically, reverently, artfully, playfully. You craft, cook, mother, read, worship, make
music, all very artistically. You inquire, seek, explore, discuss, learn, grow, love, all very
You are a precious friend who brings a special spark to my life. Thank you for being you. The best is yet to come, so
embrace 30 and continue with gusto on the path the Lord has set before you.
I look forward to many more years
of you!
We met Jane medias res—after
childhood and in early adulthood. This lovely young woman had already excelled in flute at Wheaton's
Conservatory of Music, graduated, and gone on to advanced study in England. But
the not yet was pressing. She was engaged to Erik, a charming violin
student, also from Wheaton. This
already/not yet of our early 20's is such a lovely and contagious chapter in
our lives.
Jane and Erik were
intentional about how they wanted to begin their life together. Place and
community were important to them. High on the list was a good church where they
could grow in grace. For a place to
live, Jane and Eric chose Philadelphia. And we are thankful they did; we met
them at church.
They rented a house
together—a Jenkintown, Pennsylvania version of a trinity--three rooms on top of
one another. First floor: living/dining/kitchen, second floor: bedroom and bath
and third floor: Jane's workroom. That top room was Jane's creative hub for
drawing, sewing, making beautiful note cards, designing changes purses, and
much more. On a modest budget, Jane and
Erik quickly turned this space into a warm, always hospitable home, renown for
good food and conversation.
We called Jane "Earth
Mama," for the care and nurture she devoted to all the domestic arts.
Growing herbs in the garden, making yogurt and granola from scratch, serving a
deeply textured Indian dishes. And every corner in Jane and Erik's home spoke
to their love of beauty, friendship and music.
There we celebrated birthdays, enjoyed Sabbath rests, and engaged in
book discussions together.
Now, with two precious young
daughters—Meredith Jane and Elisa Wren—Jane and Erik devote themselves to
parenting with the same care and intentionality they displayed in setting up
their first home together.
While we now live three
states away, we know that for Jane and Erik, friendship transcends the miles that
separate us. Thanks to Jane and Erik's resourcefulness, we can enjoy the little
moments that make up meaningful family life through their "Thyme for
Tales" blog. (However, the cook in the family wishes Jane would give more
recipes of meals pictured!)
From Hillsdale to
Germantown, the Harts look forward to keeping up with Jane and family for a
Janie, Janie! Welcome to the
wonderful world of 30! Life only gets sweeter, does it not? From rooming
together in Williston to weddings to motherhood, what a blessing it has been
journeying through life with you. When I think of you I think of joy and music,
tea and talks, long laughs and unwavering perseverance through hard times. God
is so good to maintain our friendship though a continent separates us. Happy
Birthday, dear friend! Here's to many more!
I cherish the fact that we get to
be sisters and friends, going along on such similar paths in life. Your
reaction when we told you that, we too, were pregnant with our first and due
just days before you... I will never forget it. The shrieking, crying and
excitement of knowing we were "in this together" is marked deep in my
heart. Those months of camaraderie and those hours of 'togetherly-separate'
labor and delivery are precious. And who knew that we'd do it [almost] all
again with two more adorable girlies?! We really have this down to a science! haha Not to
mention all of the "mothering" we get to do side-by-side. We have
enjoyed you guys so very much. {One of too-many-to-mention fun memories is your
music-to-books performances as pictured.} Thank you for being welcoming,
understanding, flexible and just plain fun. You inspire me, encourage me and
challenge me and I truly look forward to the rest of forever in your family.
May God continue to guide, protect and sharpen us for His divine purposes.
Hi, dear Janie, and a happy, happy
birthday to you!!
What a marvelous opportunity to
tell you just how much I value and treasure you...and of course love you! Such a treat and delight you are to me in my
life, and always have been. I know you don't remember the beginning of
"us", as you were only two or so, but I remember it, and with joy, I
tell you...! My only regret is that I have only known you for 28 years rather
than 30...surely I missed some wonderfulness... :o)
You were the first dying swan
that I adored (and the only one I have ever cared for!). From the moment that I
saw first saw you grace the "stage" in your family room on Gale Lane,
I knew that you were destined for great things in performance, and, boy, was I
right. I still have photos and a recording of your senior recital...do you
remember when you came down from Wheaton to visit me in Terre Haute with your
new Maggie's Farm CD? I made you listen to it over and over and over and over
that weekend, because as soon as I heard it, I couldn't do without it! I can
still see you curled up in my yellow chair there, smiling almost as broadly as
I was as we listened to "Wild Mountain Thyme...."
Your creativity has always
astounded me and delighted me, Janie. It comes out in so many beautiful ways!
Ever since I started receiving copies of "The Lighthouse" (surely you
remember?? :o) ) (and once read about the time that you doubled pizza dough!),
I have loved reading about your adventures in creativity. One year, on my
birthday, there arrived in the mail a box of your first biscotti efforts...I
loved them! I remember thinking that I couldn't wait to see what you ventured
into next, knowing that it would be something special and unique...and I continue
to feel the same way today. :o)
I remember so many of our special
conversations, Janie...mostly times that we laughed as we chatted. I remember
how very sweet you were to me amidst the whirl of your wedding preparations and
its surrounding days. You gave me the most beautiful notecards as a thank
you...your gift (again of creativity!) far outweighed any gift that I was able
to give you and Erik that day. And I really mean that. You have such a giving
heart...I have seen it so many times in so many ways. I am so grateful that as
your daughters grow and learn, they will see that particular burst of beauty
that is yours.
Thank you, sweet friend, for all
of the "you-ness" that you have shared with me over the years. I love
and cherish you, and look forward to so many more special memories. Thank you
for the beauty and gifts that you share with us all, just as an overflow of who
you are...I am indeed privileged to call you "friend." May our
friendship yield many more joys and memories in years to come!
And, again, happy, happy
birthday. Celebrate and savor! :o)
Happy, Happy 30th Birthday!!! It
is with great joy that I sit down to think through my memories of fun times
with you, many of which revolve around Wheaton, orchestra, and the
"Heroes" gang that I think involved you, Cheryl, Lydia, Laine, and
Jess. I don't remember when I actually
met you first, though I imagine it was through Cheryl, but I have such fun
memories of spending time with you all in various dorms, in orchestra, and on
campus. When I think back on those times,
my image of you is a bubbly, smiley, friendly, sweet-hearted girl. I admired (and still do!) your love for other people and the
infectious joy for life that you shared with all around you. I remember how much loved tea and giraffes and how you used
funny expressions like "Doober Jones". :) I also remember you laughing a
lot. I remember having some very
meaningful conversations when we both went through painful break-ups; I
remember you were mature and compassionate in your support and it meant a lot
to me! Even though it's been a while
since Wheaton, I'm thankful we are still -at least somewhat- in each other's
lives. (I wish we didn't live quite so far away!) I loved, loved, loved that I
got to reconnect with you and Erik last year and to see your beautiful
daughters. I hope you have the happiest of
happy birthdays and that you feel loved and celebrated!
Jane! Lovely Jane!
I'm so grateful for your
friendship. You are such a kind, caring and loving person. I admire your
sensitivity and obedience to God's guidance and your desire to know him more.
May He bless you greatly.
With lots of love from the
Dear Jane,
I so admire you! You are such a lovely addition to our family for so
many reason! Here are just a few to tell you why.
You are a wonderful mother and
loving wife to one of my favorite cousins! He couldn't have picked a better match and I'm glad
you accepted to be a part of his life permanently (and this crazy family)!
You (and Erik) are so creative
and crafty that you could school Martha Stewart to do things better and more
frugally backwards, forwards and upside down! It's always so much fun to see what you have been
up to creatively. You (and Erik) inspire me!
I adore that you send thank you
note - pretty handmade ones no less - (I still do too and we are a dying
breed!) along with the most lovely pics of the kids. Looking at their smiling and funny faces have
helped me get through some tough times recently!
I love that you are a great sport
when I send the kids clothes that are, at times, wildly crazy with loads of
glitter or tuile and maybe not exactly what you had in mind, lol! I just love those adorable kiddos to pieces and
have had so much fun playing dress up with them!!!
And lastly, thanks so much for
keeping such a fun journal to keep all of us informed on what's new and
exciting in your Thyme for Tales blog. It helps keep all of us in the family so connected
through the miles. We really enjoy reading and catching up on your pictures and news. Once again, when I need some smiles, it's my go to!
May you have a very blessed
birthday and celebration and know that you are thought of on this day and
always fondly. I look forward to seeing you soon and spending a little more girl time
with you and the little ladies.
I am so glad to
celebrate with you, even long-distance, the gift of 30 years of your life. What a blessing to your husband,
children, and friends! The Lord has been gracious to give your cheerful, creative,
loving personality to all those around you.
I always think the
30's are the best years in life. You have all your youth and strength
remaining, but you are a good bit wiser than you were in your 20's, yes? More humble, more loving of others,
less full of yourself. They are good years.
May the Lord greatly
bless your years in this decade! We look forward to hearing about them
by mail, and hopefully visits here and there.
Much love from the
birthday! Thank you for your friendship over the past several
years, especially for supporting me in recent months.
For being a friend who will listen, and who will share in the joys of
motherhood and creativity and connection. I often wish we could be
closer to you and your dear family, but am thankful for what we have, what we
have individually as well. It’s fun to see and celebrate with you, what God
has given you now in your community of Germantown, in friends and mentors
around the country, in your marriage and family. I pray the Lord will
continue to bless you richly with joy and vision for each day He gives.
Happy Birthday Janie! How time has flown by. It seems like
yesterday that we were improvising a piano-flute jam, or having a game of
Chickenfoot at Grandma’s, or playing badminton in the yard in Carlisle! Now you
are turning 30 and have two beautiful daughters whom I feel like I know through
pictures, but have yet to meet in person. But the wonderful thing about our
family, and certainly with you, is that the bond we all had growing up is one
that never breaks. I may be one of the worst at staying in touch but when we
all come together it feels as if nothing has changed! It fills me with a lot of
joy to see you, Erik, Meredith, and Eliza flourishing as a family. You always
showed many glimpses early on that you’d make a fantastic mother. I hope you
have a splendid birthday and many more in years to come! I can’t wait to meet
the full Petersons family soon!
Jane, I've been humming this song all morning and as I thought about you and
our friendship I couldn't help but think this song says what I want to
communicate to you so well...
brought you to my mind today
I thought about the funny ways you make me laugh
And yet I feel like it's okay to cry with you
Something about just being with you
When I leave I feel like I've been near God
And that's the way it ought to be...
you've been more than a friend to me
You fight off my enemies
'Cause you've spoken the Truth over my life
And you'll never know what it means to me
Just to know you've been on your knees for me
Oh, you have blessed my life
More than you'll ever know.
we've known each other for only a year, it feels like I've known you for many.
Your friendship has been such a blessing to me. You're someone people can be
themselves with... It's been such a treat to be invited into your home and
life. To pray with you and for you... knowing you pray for me as well. Your
friendship refreshes my soul and I pray that God will continue to protect our
friendship. I also pray that as you have refreshed me, you'd be refreshed as
generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.”
~ Proverbs 11:25
love you Jane! Happy Birthday!!
Janie! Happy birthday!!
When Erik told me about this I had so much fun thinking back
to college and so many of the fun times that we have had. Found some pretty fun
pictures too - snow bowling...quintet...the Hero/Pij gang...so much more. Fat
Cake Parties, housesitting (watching "Silence of the Lambs"), driving
over train tracks at 55mph, shaking up soda cans and exploding them in the
conserve parking lot, late night practice parties (and theory parties?),
orchestra cabinet retreats...wow, we had some good times didn't we!? And there's
a lot of times when things weren't so fun, but I'm really thankful we got to go
through them together. I am so proud of you - I know that you have gone through
some really rough times, and had many incredible challenges, some of them
ongoing. It is awesome to me to see how you have taken them head-on, and been
willing to do the work you need to in order to get through them. And not just
get through but come out on the other side better than you started. It's so
cool to see you and Erik and Meredith and Eliza Wren - everything I would have
wished for you. I remember Lydia and I talking about you and Erik pretty soon
after he got to the conserve and how we thought you two would be perfect
together. (You're welcome ;) Anyways...it's just awesome to watch. And even
though I don't get to see you nearly as often as I would like, it's cool to
know that no matter what, we will pick back up where we left off. I am so
thankful for you my friend, and I am incredibly lucky to know you :) Enjoy your birthday! Wish we could have a fat cake party to
celebrate :)
Chutchy-looper (that's the only time you'll ever see that in
print, mind you)
First and Foremost – HAPPY 30th (woohoo) BIRTHDAY!!!!
We have known each other for so long, I think you were 5 or 6
years old when we first met. And I am so glad we did! You have always been and always will be homemade sunshine.
You have grown into such a wonderful wife and you were made to me a mom. I just love your spirit... I can hear you say, "You
know, I think we can do this" with bright
eyes and sort of smirk-ish smile - that's only you Jane. I don't know, there
are so many things I can say - yet I can't say them the way I would want to. So I will end here... just know that you are a VERY special
person to me and it is an honor to be your friend. Have a most special birthday!
Love and Hugs, Sherry and Tim
Can't believe that you are
turning 30! I think you will always be stuck at 25 in my mind. You have always been
the best older sister I could ever hope to have! I am proud that you are my sister. I cannot even count the number of times that you
have been preforming flute or something and I have been like "yeah, that
is my sister!!!" I hope you have an awesome birthday and a great year!!
Hope I can see you soon!
I really can't
believe my conservatory "kids" are turning 30!
I have so many fond
memories of you that it is difficult to identify one or two.
You have a special
gift of conversation. The ability to get deep into a person's life without
seeming to be intrusive is an amazing thing! I enjoyed many conversations with you – sometimes sitting in my car in a
parking lot somewhere.
I remember your
humility after winning the concerto competition. Do you remember me telling you
to stop saying "I don't deserve this" and just say thank you! I
remember the letter you sent to the orchestra during your time in Birmingham
and how much you missed a Christian community of musicians.
I remember your
concern and heartache over a particular situation and how much you cared about
the other person. I remember covert operations and
precision timing during chapel one day.
I remember you
falling in love with Erik. Lots of conversations on that topic.
I wish I could
bring you these greetings in person and give you a big birthday hug! Someday, hopefully sooner than later!
Blessings and love
to you!
Our earliest memories of Jane are of a sweet, godly and
reserved young lady. Those memories include homeschooling activities such as
science class at Beth's house. As we have seen her mature over the years, we
continue to see a sweet godly and beautiful young woman. God bless you richly
and Happy Birthday, Jane!
We love you!
Lynn and Nancy
Birthday, my dear friend!
can’t believe we are embarking upon a new decade of life! It is amazing to think back on the twelve
years we have known each other now. You
have been a constant friend to me, and a part of every major event of my
life. I remember having conversations with
you our freshman and sophomore years that have really solidified my faith, of
course planning our road trip with our “just friends” who have become the loves
of our lives, encouraging me through our engagement and marriage, and now as we
grow our family. I am so thankful to
know you, and have the privilege to call you my best friend. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and
great year ahead. Love you lots!
I have so appreciated your hospitality that you have shown to
me by opening your house, asking me to babysit for you, sharing meals. I
appreciate your willingness to consistently open up your house and your life
even though we don't see much of each other. But we, all of us, have the bond
in Christ that make us family, an instant connection, a foundation for our
friendship. So thankful and blessed that you are my sister in Christ.
Happy Birthday Jane,
Here are some of my wonderful memories.
- Fondue parties at your old apt.
- Meredith's baptism
- Picnic with you, Erik, Aleksa,
Jolyn, and me in the park
- Hangin' out at your first
house...enjoying MJ as a new born
- Rib fest (I only have this one
scanned pic....before my digital camera!)
- Playing music at zoo
Thank you for opening up your
home to Jolyn and me when we got back from Europe....trip to Ikea, picnic, and
relaxing at your house was awesome. I'm Sorry I am not very good with words, but these
pics make for the lack of them. Enjoy the memories!
Happiest of Birthdays to you!! 30 is a special year and
we pray God’s rich blessing on you as you enter this decade as a Mama of two. We’re thankful for you (and Erik and your girls) and have many
happy memories of chutney making, wreath making, Christmas projects, babies
playing together in the pool, music making, knitting
by the fire, talks of books and music and God, tea and scones, parks and walks,
delicious meals, canning memories in our various homes. How special that we were able to carry our little girls
(Emmie and Eliza) only 5 weeks different this past year. Happy Birthday Jane- may you know the fullness of His love in
an ever increasing manner as you turn 30 and grow in His grace.
Much love,
The Dieffenbachs
Your most excellent husband has
solicited a note of good wishes from your friends and family and I am now
whole-heartedly complying. I can think of few people that deserve a showering
of love so much as you. Though the years have passed, spouses wed, children
born, I have no doubt that you are ever lovely, kind, cheerful and beautiful!
Randy and I were so blessed to have met you back in our brief stint as an Irish
band, Maggie's Farm, with your good ol' Uncle Tom at the helm ;) I so wish that
the path of our lives crossed more often, but until they do, please know that
we love you very much and wish you many blessings on your birthday!!
We are wishing you the greatest
birthday ever and may the year ahead just keep getting better and better. May God rain down blessings on your
Your recent visit was so joyous for us. What fun it was when you jumped into
the planning of Lita’s surprise birthday party (you
certainly know how to frost a cake!). Getting to hold Eliza and babysit her
will be a high point of this year. We only wish Meredith and Erik could
have been here, too. When you put that extra candle on your
cake this year, remember that there are many family and friends all over the
country (the world?) who wish you the best ever.
We first met you in May
1984, when you were a little over 3 months old. You had come to visit your
grandparents, but also got to attend the baptism of your cousin, our son, Zach.
From that time until 2006 we either visited you or your family visited us. (71
visits all documented in our photo albums) That included every Christmas from
1984 until 2006 with the exception of 2005. You and your cousin, Zach, who is
only 1 month younger than you, had so many fun times together during those
visits. We are so glad both our families thought it so important for all of us
to remain close.
We can remember most being
so astounded by how creative you were at such a young age. Your sketches,
drawings and paintings were so delightful. And then when you started playing
the flute….you were so expressive and passionate. We also
remember all of your beautiful handmade cards that you sent to us. You are
still so creative….we know from reading your blog, conversations with
your parents, and the visits we’ve had with you. We know also what a wonderful
and caring wife and mother you have become. (You had some excellent role models
in your parents)
We are so happy we were able
to be a part of your childhood. We also cherish the memories of attending your
high school flute recital; you being part of your Uncle Tom’s Celtic band,
Maggie’s Farm, and all the fun concerts; and attending your wedding, where we
met wonderful Erik. We are also so pleased that we have been able to meet your
two precious little girls, Meredith and Eliza. We are certain they both will
grow up to be outstanding young women just like their mom.
We cannot believe you are 30
years old! Happy Birthday Janie and many, many more.
We love you so very much,
Aunt Tricia and Uncle Tom XOXOXOXO
From that moment, I knew
we’d be forever friends.
I’m so thankful for that
road trip back in...when was it, 2005? Wow, what a special time for us to meet
and bond. It was the beginning of a dear friendship, a week full of laughter and
heart-to-heart conversation, memories I still hold close to this day. God has
blessed me so much in knowing you and I look forward to years of friendship
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Look – Renoir
painted us! Look how studious we are. I hope you have a great time celebrating.
You have truly arrived, Jane. Thirty is adulthood. It is maturity. It is
insanity. It is beauty. It is the best of times and the worst of times. Go
forth and conquer this year and the ones that follow. Feast and dance!
Dear Jane,
Happiest of Birthdays to
you! I'm very grateful for your friendship over these past years. There are too
many wonderful memories to mention here -- all of the dinners we shared at your
place, so many thoughtful discussions. All of the concerts
we attended together, your book club (!), shared evenings with the Harts. I'll
always appreciate all of your kind notes and letters - which often arrived
exactly when I needed some encouragement. And what a joy to meet both of your
girls for the first time and to watch them growing up!
Here's hoping that your
coming year is filled with all good things!
My heart is full as I sit here
with the opportunity to just think and reminisce about my friendship with you. Though college now seems like a short and distant season of our lives, there are some beautiful
people from that time that will forever leave a smile in my heart. YOU, my dear, are one of
them. Warm, loving, tender, nurturing, talented, and delightfully silly. Those are some of the words that first come to mind
when I think of you. You exude a natural beauty, both inward and out. When I
think of you now, Jane, I think of what a treasure you must be to your children, and to your husband, a crown.
You know what would be a dream to
me? If we could click our heels, and be in the same room with our combined 4
children, having a day of playing with them, laughing, and reminiscing together. OH that would
be JOY! One day maybe :)
Happy 30th birthday dear friend!
Sending much love your way.
so thankful that God arranged it that both our firstborn girls developed
strange crawling methods so that we could notice and bond over it at the
Nesting House! Who knew that three years later, we would become neighbors and
friends. I truly appreciate your cheerful and generous spirit, your open-handed
(and open-hearted) way of navigating our neighborhood and our world, and your love
for good books and good food. In the short time we've known each other, you
have taught me so much, with down-to-earth practicality and much laughter. What
a gift that we get to raise our kids alongside each other, on warm sunny
mornings and on snow days. Here's to the year ahead - especially a summer of
gardening together and enjoying the fruits of our labor across the table! Happy
& family
Dear Janie, Jane-Jane, Jane
To start off, I have so many
fantastic childhood memories of us with the biggest smiles on our faces. Whether it was building a wilderness home,
playing a game of Checkers, or shooting hoops, we always made sure to have a
blast and share plenty of laughs. These
memories all have a theme that we shared at our grandparents’ house. It is crazy to think how vivid some of these
amazing memories still are in my head and how I will still have childhood
dreams every now and then. We displayed
great teamwork in leading the other cousins into mischief or defending each
other and making sure the blame was passed onto the other guys (Thumbs pointing
at Chris and Jonathan). I had an
excellent childhood and I’m glad that we got to share it together.
Over the years, we have
really grown up, or at least you have grown up.
Your artistic abilities that you displayed when you were young are still
just as amazing. Talk about an all-around
performer. Whether you need a flute
solo, ETSY craft or delicious baked item, you can count on Janie. I can’t believe we are turning 30 this
year! You are a marvelous mother,
celebrated cousin and a precious person.
Cheers to creating more memories in this lifetime.
Dear Jane,
Happy birthday, sweet
friend! I recently found this picture of Derek, and it reminded me of our walks
at the Morris Arboretum. Those times were a breath of fresh air, in more ways
than one. It was lovely to escape my small apartment and enjoy your company.
I often think of you when I
read Wendell Berry, and I must admit that I'm more than a little jealous
that you are still a member of Weaver's Way. I miss our book club meetings. I loved strengthening the bonds of friendship
through reading books together. And who can forget the elegant spread that was
enjoyed during our discussion of "Pride and Prejudice"?
I'm thankful for the years
we shared in Philadelphia, and I hope our paths cross again soon.
Erica Bucey
Dear Jane,
Happy 30th Birthday!
It has been a blessing
getting to know you over the past couple of years. When I first met you, you
were expecting your second child and going through a very difficult pregnancy.
I admired your tenacity and spirit throughout that time. You did not seem to lose
your hope in Christ and your upbeat attitude even when confined to your bed for
weeks, unable to do all the things you love to do. You even made it through a
move soon before giving birth! Your perseverance and cheerfulness through
trials is an encouragement to those around you, and a testimony to God’s grace
in your life.
It has also been great fun
getting together to discuss children’s literature. Thank you for organizing the
book group and for your hospitality. It’s good to have an excuse to read both
old favorites and new discoveries, and I have thoroughly enjoyed our
discussions as well.
I hope you have a wonderful
birthday. May God’s blessings be with you and your family in the next decade!
What an amazing sister you
are! God has richly blessed us through you! You truly are a
servant of our King and we see Him shining though you! Many blessings on your birthday!
Aleksa and Glenn

Dear Jane,
Happy, happy birthday to
you! I am so glad that our paths
have crossed. It has been a blessing to
watch you navigate the challenges of college; moving out into the world and
finding your way from grad school to marriage to mother! What a wonderful journey you have been blessed with!
From my perspective way down the road, 30 is so young but I know it is an
exciting time. May you continue to walk the journey with joy and wonder!
I wish we were closer but I
look forward to those times when we can connect! Have a lovely day celebrating
Kathy Kastner
Congratulations on your 30th
birthday. We, your Mom and I, are more
than a little proud of you. And we’re very
thankful to the Lord. You’ve done well. You’re a blessing.
You know, birthdays have a
way of making you think about beginnings – about the old days – when you were
born, what your life and our lives were like when you entered our life and
changed it and everything else forever.
Those first four years or so
in Nashville were great. You were well-behaved,
inquisitive, and capable – that shouldn’t surprise you -- but you also had a
wild, impulsive – maybe a bit of a crazy streak.
For the first two or three years of your life, you sang or talked incessantly. Yes, and this was everywhere we went and on every
occasion. At least that was the way
it seemed. Yes, you could sit quietly
in church. You knew your boundaries. You would listen wide-eyed and enthralled while we
read to you, but riding in the car with you was unbelievable. You were off the charts musically.
I remember one time, when
your Mom and I took you and Amy to a conference in Memphis four hours away from
Nashville in our two-door Nissan Sentra.
Nothing I did seemed to quiet the two of you. Finally, I opted for singing all the hymns that I
could remember with as much gusto as I could muster. I suspect the singing wasn't very good (I still
have problems with intonation) but it kept you and Amy quiet, and your Mom and
I sane, at least for the rest of the trip.
In some ways that wild and
crazy streak persisted. I don’t mean
crazy in the sense of undisciplined or less than sane. I mean you had a certain grittiness, a
determined persistence in the face of challenges, a kind of willingness to dare
– something you haven’t lost.
You started offering flute
lessons on the front porch, too young to know that no one really allowed or
approved of middle-school students doing that sort of thing. You listened to Christopher O’Reilly and
“From the Top,” sent off a cd of your playing in the mail, and won a spot on
the broadcast.
Well, of course, I could go
on—now that I am on something of a roll, detailing remarkable achievements and
adventures in Chicago, England and now in Philadelphia. But I shouldn’t. It isn’t the extraordinary adventures. It is you that we are thankful for. It is you that we love and appreciate – and
we rejoice in your grittiness to live robustly for God – our amazing daughter
we love and admire. We thank God for
bringing you into our life, and we thank you for being your completely, unique
and wonderful self.
We love you, Dad
Happy Birthday Mama!
Meredith & Eliza