Showing posts with label baby #2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby #2. Show all posts

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Eliza Wren dancing!

This video is from the beginning of April.'s too good not to share, since it shows off Eliza Wren's dance moves. :)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Eliza Wren's first steps

Yesterday afternoon we were all chillin' together in the living room when Eliza Wren decided to take her first big steps!  She loved the cheering we showered her with and gave us a few different takes - so I was able to catch a step or two on video. :)

Just 1 day shy of her 16 month birthday, she's well ahead of her sister's walking ability at this age! :)

Happy 16 months, sweet girl!  We're glad you're stepping into toddler-hood - fun times ahead!

 (photo taken by Meredith)

Friday, December 6, 2013

Eliza Wren with doll

Eliza Wren is already learning mothering skills from her older sister.  Her interest in dolls is starting much earlier than Meredith's...having the older sibling as a model is accelerating a lot of develops for E. :)
  I love seeing my girls sweetly care and nurture their dolls and stuffed animals.

I can't handle the cuteness of her wee checks and chubby fingers in this photo.  eeeps!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Eliza Wren - 11 months

Eliza Wren turned 11 months on Thursday, Oct 30th.  During the last few weeks, she has taken some dramatic turns in her life - namely the freedom to move about.  Here's a quick shot when she was on the brink of taking off during the first few days of Oct.

She has also become quite expressive. :)

And boy, does she love the bath!  (mid-Oct.)

Now she's movin' and a groovin'. (late Oct.)

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

5 months

Eliza turned 5 months on April 30th!  
She's at the age where it's best to see her in you can get her in focus - she's SO wiggly!

Still a toothless grin, though she's gnawing on everything like there's no tomorrow!

And, reaching for everything - eeks, not the camera!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

4 months!

Eliza Wren is growing up so quickly - and what a personality this girlie has!  She's full of giggles, squeals and love for all.  If you're around her, she'll flash you a happy smile and wiggle with joy!

 Teething has begun in earnest, and our little Wren is into chewing on anything and everything!

Happy 4 months, sweet wee one!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

3 months!

Eliza Wren is 3 months!  
Can't believe how much this little sweetie is growing.  
She is a strong and cheerful babe. :)

Gotta love this hair :)

She spontaneously laughed for the first time on her 3 month birthday too!  
Really hope to hear more of that this month...

Bye-bye folks...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

2 months!

Our Eliza Wren is 2 months old today! :)  
She is growing like a weed and is full of smiles, wee chuckles and coos these days.  
We are all eating her up!

Meredith loves to have an early morning snuggle with Eliza when she first wakes up.

We're curious - who do you think she looks like?

Sunday, January 6, 2013

wee one

Our sweet Eliza Wren is now 5 weeks old!  Where has the time gone?  She is growing by leaps and bounds - finding her voice more often these days (ahem) and becoming stronger.  
Best of all, we are catching smiles and are given an attentive concentration when we talk to her.   
Ah...these blessed days!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

two weeks old!

Eliza is now just over 2 weeks old.  Over the past few days she's been coming out of her sleepy/completely zonked newborn days, and is having delightful alert awake times for long stretches during each day.  And, don't worry - this kiddo is still a stellar sleeper at night!
She continues to have crazy head control and rocks tummy time!  At her two week check up this weekend she raised her head up and rolled over for the pediatrician!  The doctor exclaimed, "Wow! Well, she just passed her 2 MONTH check up - I have no worries about this kid!" :)
We love our sweet girl and we're getting in all the snuggles we can in these precious early days!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

one week old

Eliza Wren passed her one week birthday on Friday, December 7th.  Erik took this video of her during one of her awake times - doing what she most often does when she's awake...hiccuping! :)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Early Days

These early days with our Eliza Wren have endeared her to us all.  We love having her as a wee addition to our family.  While any transition has its bumps, we are glad we can spread our love between two children.  Meredith has taken to her new sister with a care for detail, the offer of her toys, and many gentle kisses.
When she is awake, Eliza has a sweet quietness that is alert and content...a blessing indeed.
And while she sleeps, you can tell she must have already grown accustom to having noise and disruptions around her even while still in the womb.  Nothing can seem to wake her at this point.
Eliza has also amazed us with her head control and ability to roll over on her own.  She has already pulled a 180° twice while we watched!  As Mama can tell you, she has always been very active and strong - she pulled some pretty amazing moves and kicks in the womb!

Monday, November 26, 2012

40 weeks I am, on my due date today. :)  Still a big belly and waiting.  This baby is low, head down and ready...but so far he/she is pretty comfortable and relaxed inside.  No sign of popping out yet.

So...we are ready and waiting.  
I never made it to my due date with Meredith (she was born 2 days early), this is uncharted territory for me.

To keep myself busy these last few days, I've been doing many different sewing projects.  I have another show this coming Saturday (my friend will be vending my wares for me - I hope to have a newborn in my arms!).  Here are a few photos of my latest projects.

thread sketched tea towel

 Christmas bunting in the works

Owl dolls and birdies

 woven fabric stars 

Monday, November 12, 2012

38 weeks

Two weeks (more or less) left!   Today I'm a full 38 weeks, beginning week 39.  Come baby come!

Meredith is giving lots of kisses to my belly these days.  
She's so excited to have a wee babe in our home soon!

Monday, October 29, 2012

36 weeks = full term!

Yep - we are close, really close!  Today marks a full 36 weeks for me.  So, anytime this babe pops out is great...and definitely a very good idea to me!  The midwives estimate that this baby is right around the 7 lb. mark about now.  As you can see, my belly's not hiding this little one too well (Ha!) and by how I feel kicks and stretches from inside (at all hours), I know this baby is long and strong... ;)

Thanks for your prayers and support as we continue this journey - now on the homestretch! :)

P.S. These photos were taken yesterday, before the rain began.  Currently we are hunkering down out of the wind/rain and gearing up for hurricane Sandy.  We are thankful we still have power! :)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Dancing with Meredith

Erik and Meredith got out on our "dance floor" this week and were really putting on the moves together. :)  

36 week pregnant mama captured this video from the sidelines.  This babe does a whole lot of dancing inside me at the moment - more than my fair share I think. ;)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Autumn Therapy

As we continue to settle into our new home, we've learned that it's absolutely necessary to get out of the house/boxes/chaos and soak up some beautiful autumn sunshine so we keep our sanity!  :)  Here are some photos of our ramble this week at the arboretum.

Mer loves kissing Mama's belly (34 weeks!).  
She's going to be an adoring big sister!

They have the scarecrow walk on display now - so fun!

Hmmm...which egg will hatch first???!!

Listening to the sounds of the forest with Daddy...