Showing posts with label moving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moving. Show all posts

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Move

Last Saturday, September 29th we moved!  Our crew arrived bright and early and we managed to move out, move into our new place and share a late lunch together around 1pm.  What a great crew of helpers - thank you all so very much!!!!

Uncle Jonny came over from Carlisle to join in the fun. :) 

In the frantic craziness of the move, I neglected to take more photos...thanks for understanding. ;)  But, on Sunday afternoon I snapped these next few...

Meredith found one book that didn't make it in a box and enjoyed reading in her new "home."

 Meredith's and baby #2's new bedroom.  
Mer is thrilled with her big girl bed!

Reading always has a wonderful way of relaxing us - even in the midst of absolute chaos!

Preparing meals in such chaos, however, is my least favorite task at the moment...ah...order will eventually come.

Check back at the end of the month for an update and hopefully much improved progress report!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Yep, you guessed it.  We're moving....again.  This time we'll be living in Germantown, just a little further into the city of Philadelphia.  Even though this home has only served us for one year, we are so very thankful for this season to share space with our dear friend, Madeleine.  This past year has been a time of transition and growth in many areas of our life, and now we're both moving forward to new opportunities.  It's been a summer full of prayer and waiting to know when/if a move was the right decision for us.  

On August 30th (a day before our lease ended!) we went forward with the decision to move.  With that scary step made, we've been blessed with the assurance that it is the right step for us at this time.  God has opened up many doors and provided just the right new home for us. :)

Germantown is a part of the city that is closer to center city (good for Erik's commute), six blocks from Jane's teaching job at Germantown Friends School, and near/within a community we know several families already.  We are so thankful and excited!

Our moving date is in 2 weeks - eeks!  So, today we had a MEGA moving sale.  It was a hit and we made out like bandits - sweet!  I never thought we'd make $150 on things we no longer need/want and most of which was priced at $1 or less!   

We forgot to take photos during the yard sale, but I caught a few of Erik and Meredith bringing back our huge signs from 5th street.  This was the key - sucking people in from the big road. :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Getting Settled... :-p

Just to give you a glimpse of the CRAZINESS of normal living while unpacking...

a family dinner.
Madeleine and I conquered the kitchen last week - hooray!
For a week the dining room was "unpacking central"
More photos to come soon of the nearly unpacked new home!

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Move

We've made it to our new home in Philadelphia! :) It's been quite a journey that was very chaotic, messy, frustrating - and at one point I did say, "wow, this went from good to bad...and now it's getting ugly."
Yet in the midst of it all, we were surrounded by sweet friends, welcoming neighbors, and kindness from so many. We are very thankful.

packing up West Ave.

some of our AMAZING moving team

Crazy! Our housemate, Madeleine, is related (once removed, I think?) to these sweet friends we just met a few weeks ago! It's a small world...