Saturday, March 30, 2013

4 months!

Eliza Wren is growing up so quickly - and what a personality this girlie has!  She's full of giggles, squeals and love for all.  If you're around her, she'll flash you a happy smile and wiggle with joy!

 Teething has begun in earnest, and our little Wren is into chewing on anything and everything!

Happy 4 months, sweet wee one!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Arts and Crafts

Meredith's drawings of people are changing and progressing the more she does it.  I just love watching her draw all these little people and hearing her talk about who is who.  :)  Usually there's a Mama, Daddy and a baby...sometimes someone is "sad" and she will tell me which person is going to make the sad one feel better.  Love this little growing imagination!

You'll notice she's added arms, legs, hands and feet - as well as hair! 
Look at the change from just a few weeks ago

And, this week we dyed Easter eggs. :)  Meredith was a bit hesitant at first, and asked several times just to eat the eggs (she loves hard boiled eggs!)...but, once we got out the dye she got into it.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

March indoor play

We've had a very chilly March this year, so there's been lots of indoor play, instead of outside play time.  Meredith, as usual, has been creative with the indoor time - a favorite activity lately is to use all of her blocks to build a city!

A few weekends ago Erik and Meredith planted seeds together - the beginning of our garden!

And, of course lots of reading is happening around here.  I was so excited that I caught Mer making this silly face on camera - it's one of my favorites, just before she explodes into giggles! :)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

In Daddy's Arms

I caught some smiles and adoring looks from Eliza Wren to her Daddy. :)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Things That MJ Likes

Earlier this week, as I (Erik) was sitting at the table with Meredith over lunch, I asked her what things she liked.  As she started churning out answers, I grabbed a pen to notate as fast as I could.  Here's what came out in her order:

Eliza (x3)
Oranges (x2)
Our House
Sally (her doll)
Laying in the grass
Back Yard
Kitty cats

Another thing Meredith likes is nursery rhymes.  Here's her rendition of Hey Diddle Diddle.  Then she started Wee Willy Winkie, but promptly got distracted... :)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


IKEA is one of Meredith's favorite places to go!  It's an affection that extends way beyond the big blue box.  She not only asks to go every day, but all her animals and toy people make their way to IKEA during little make-believe trips around the house.

For mom and dad, it's a great chance to get everyone out of the house, have dinner taken care of, and gives Meredith some space to stretch her legs.  After Swedish meatballs and chicken fingers, we wind our way through the children's section before heading to find other "home improvements" that are hard to pass up.

No IKEA visit would be complete without ice cream!!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


This past weekend brought us our first spring weather!  
It was absolutely gorgeous, so we were able to have lots of outdoor time.
Erik made a wonderful start on our community garden plot.  
Our plot wasn't used last year, so it has a lot of ground covering weeds on it. :-p 

Meredith and her best pal, Leah enjoyed running along the paths together Sunday afternoon.

 Love getting shots of these girlies together :)

Friday, March 8, 2013


Our day began with lovely snow falling...but with the quickly rising temperatures, everything was wet and most of the snow melted by the time we went for our afternoon walk.  But, what 2 year old doesn't like puddle jumping!?!?!  :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


We did a few home projects/improvements this weekend. 
 I'm excited to finally be getting the girl's room put together step by step. :)

This piece has needed a face-lift for some time now...
...even before we salvaged it, I believe. :p

 So, Erik went to work to revive it...


A lovely compliment to the chair Erik recovered last year!

More photos to come of other recent projects...
...and hopefully photos of the finished girl's room!

Saturday, March 2, 2013