We spent a leisurely day together as a wee family of four this Christmas. Our morning began with stockings and gift giving.
We gave Meredith an easel we salvaged and fixed up especially for her.
Meredith's favorite part of her stocking was finding the lollypops - Trader Joe's Organic pops! :)
Daddy and his girls :)
Erik recently found an old cast iron skillet that needed to be restored and reseasoned...so, as a Christmas gift for me he did it! It worked out beautifully and now we have a HUGE cast iron skillet - something that's been on my wishlist for some time now. :) We christened it on Christmas morning with a batch of cinnamon rolls.
Erik's brother, David, made us a delicious chai mix.
Chai + cinnamon buns = a delicious breakfast for a winter's morning!
Then, off on a family walk around our neighborhood in the brisk late morning.
Do you see Eliza snuggled up?
One of Erik's favorite gifts from me was a jar of marinated herring. :) He enjoyed it as part his lunch.
We finished the day with a lovely dinner with dear friends - the Nothackers. Meredith is a big fan of their sweet girls and energetic puppy, Tucket. :)