Thursday, December 19, 2013

winter afternoons

An empty wrapping paper tube entertained Meredith and Eliza Wren for an entire afternoon. :)

our sweet neighbor, Jack has been spending some time with us each Wednesday afternoon.  It's been a wonderful to have a regular playmate for the girls after naps and they all play really well together.  I ran to get the camera when this moment happened yesterday. :)

cozy winter afternoons at home are THE BEST!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Tis the season...

...creative indoor play! 
I'm reminded again, especially at this time of year when I'm looking for new toys, games, ideas for my girls as gifts...the toys, games and ideas that truly capture the interest of most every kid are so simple.  For Meredith and Eliza Wren all you need is a big ole cardboard box, music and imagination... :) through to see this post of Eliza Wren dancing!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

trains at the morris arboretum

We had a fun jaunt to the Morris arboretum this past week to see their holiday train display.  It was a very chilly day with a high of 22F (eeps!), but we layered up and managed to stay there about an hour. :)

Leah and her family joined us for the last half and the girls had a fun time romping in the snow together!

They were thrilled to be able to help carry some trains back to the repair shop for the kind train engineer. :)
We'll be back for another visit soon!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

sisters reading

We have the typical older sister and younger sister roles playing out as our girls grow these days.  Here Meredith announces, "Eliza, I'm going to read you a story."  Then she gathers a book or two and plops down next to wee Wren (who is usually happily playing nearby) and begins. :)  

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Our first snow of the season!  We've had two beautiful snow days this week!  It started snowing on Sunday, just after we arrived home from church before lunch.  And, it kept pouring down snow until late in the afternoon - so beautiful!  

learning the snow angel technique

 Meredith and Daddy went outside to make snow angels and then joined some friends for sledding.  
A few friends came back home with them to warm up and have hot chocolate and popcorn. :)

Then, early Tuesday morning we got a beautiful wintry storm and it snowed for nearly 8 hours!  We braved the cold temps and pouring snow to play with neighborhood friends again.  I learned that having a 1 year old who crawls and can't keep on gloves/boots is a tough combination with snow. : p

just love these kiddos and their sweet friendship!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas Tree!

Last weekend we drove northwest just over an hour to our favorite Christmas tree farm.  Erik and I discovered this sweet farm buried in the beautiful countryside when we were first married.  We've gone a few times since and this time we took the Sinclair family with us for their first tree cutting experience - yay!

It was a gorgeous day for a romp around the Frazier firs :)

 hello, crunchy snow!  

 Eliza Wren was taking it all in...

Matilda enjoyed the ride too!

We found a little one to bring home.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

2013 Thanksgiving (a bit late!) :)

We had a splendid Thanksgiving this year - once again with our friends the Sinclair family, and Jane's folks and brother were in town to join in as well.  Celtic Sea salt in and on the turkey made it juicy and tender and we enjoyed a variety of delicious sides. :) 

So fun to have a full table!

Wee Matilda had her first taste of food on Thanksgiving, since it marked her 6 month point!  She loved turkey and sweet potatoes. :)

Leah kept climbing up on Meredith's Grandaddy's lap throughout the day.  So sweet... and Meredith was happy to share her Grandaddy with her friend. :)

During tea and dessert the guys had a competition with block structures - how many blocks could balance on one block before it toppled.  I think the winner broke 200!

Baby girl friends - just 6 months apart!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Eliza Wren with doll

Eliza Wren is already learning mothering skills from her older sister.  Her interest in dolls is starting much earlier than Meredith's...having the older sibling as a model is accelerating a lot of develops for E. :)
  I love seeing my girls sweetly care and nurture their dolls and stuffed animals.

I can't handle the cuteness of her wee checks and chubby fingers in this photo.  eeeps!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Eliza Wren is ONE

Our little brown songbird, Eliza Wren turned one today - November 30th!  This year has flown by and our sweet babe is stepping into toddler-hood with all her pulling up and fast crawling.  Being on the move is one of her biggest characteristics right now, along with communicating through sign language "more", "all done", and waving for hello, goodbye, and goodnight.  She loves saying "Mama" all day long and this week started saying "baaa" for ball. :)  She has 6 teeth, and light blond hair - a far cry from her dark crop of hair and toothless grin  nearly a year ago!

Oh how we love you, and are so thankful for you, sweet Eliza Wren!  Happy day, wee birdie!

 We started celebrating the day before with gifts from Granna and Grandaddy after naptime

 two new balls!

Saturday morning family breakfast party - carrot cake muffins!