Tuesday, May 31, 2016

7 months!

Cassie Lou is 7 months old!  On the 27th (her birth date) we spent a lovely morning and afternoon along the Wissahickon creek.  We hiked and played in the water, enjoyed a picnic lunch and had a lovely visit for a family of ducks.  Cassie Lou loved it all - watching her sisters, sticking her toes in the water and cuddling up with Mama for a nap in the woods.  What a joy you are, sweet wee one!  

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

reading :)

Reading is really starting to click for Meredith.  It's been such a fun year to see her work at it and for the elements to begin to make sense.  Lately she's been making leaps and bounds in her progress!

I love this moment! I suggested we take a stack of books outside to read during our afternoon quiet time.  While I put some groceries away, Meredith got all the supplies, and settled down with her sisters to begin....and they added some extra snuggles and giggles for good measure. :)

Saturday, May 14, 2016

three little ducks

All three girls fit into our bathtub this week.  They LOVED it.  Clean, happy sisters!

Thursday, May 12, 2016


Cassie Lou was gifted this beautifully handmade blanket when she was 3 months old.  Erik and I are thrilled that she has a special blanket like her older sisters, and we're glad she's starting to get attached to it...just like they did at this age.  We are big fans of the "lovey" around here. :)

Saturday, May 7, 2016

first foods

Since Cassie Lou is 6 months old now, we've started some foods.  So far she's had sweet potatoes and pears.  She's a fan of both!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Raw Asparagus!

Eliza Wren is our snacker.  Meals continue to be laborious, but if you mention a snack this little one is right there with you to gobble it up.  Our community garden is great place for snacks and as always, Eliza Wren is an enthusiastic participant.  Raw asparagus as a snack - woohoo, bring it on!

I stopped her after five stocks this size - we needed some for dinner! :)

Monday, May 2, 2016

Monday Ballet

Both girls are now taking dance classes from the Glenside Dance Academy!
This is Eliza Wren's first time and she is pretty thrilled.  Her first day of class she bounded in and said, "Hi, I'm Eliza Wren!" ...and then went skipping off around the room. :)
Meredith started taking dance classes here 2 years ago - can't believe it's been that long!  She is excited to learn more advanced positions now and loves her teacher, Miss Jenn!

More photos to come of their final class performance in a few weeks!