Monday, October 17, 2011

Apples to applesauce!

This weekend we made and canned applesauce with dear friends. It was a Saturday afternoon event with two canners boiling away on the stove for 4 hours while we chopped, cooked and pressed the applesauce.

We used cortland apples from our favorite farm a bit north of us - Ray's. His 20 lb bags of organic cortland apples are $9! We went through close to 60 lbs of apples between us, and used nearly all the jars we owned!

Adam and Jenny have an AMAZING new gadget that sped up the process and lightened the work load incredibly!

I love how pink it is!!

The stove worked hard that afternoon too!

Cooling and sealing jars - we were so pleased that all of our jars sealed - hooray!!


  1. YUMMY!! One of my favorite fall things to do, too. But what is that amazing saucing gadget??!!! Please do tell. I use an old fashioned food mill but it can take a while if you have a big batch. That one you used looks like you just dump all the apples in and crank away. And it separates off the skin - what!

  2. OOooh! We have that food mill, too! It's so awesome! Ours has a sieve for tomatoes, too. My mom just gave me the one I grew up with, since she doesn't use it much anymore. LOVE it! You don't have to peel or core or anything, just chop.

    Marlowe keeps calling it "The Cool Applesauce Machine."
