Friday, October 14, 2011


This autumn I got the itch to bike again. I haven't been biking since before MJ was born, and I had a hunch that she would love it. So...after a few weeks of getting some needed supplies (bike helmet for MJ, bike seat - awesome find at my favorite consignment shop!) and fixing up my old/new-to-me bike, we took our first bike ride this week. :)

Cool dude helmet Mama needs to get some flashy headgear.
As you can see by her expression in these photos, MJ takes bicycling very seriously. :) She kept her hands on her handle bars the whole ride, and watched the front wheel most of the time. When we got back home after our spin around the neighborhood, she didn't want to get down from her special seat. YAY!

blurry action shot :)
We've been biking a few times this week and now whenever I say, "Hey Meredith, let's go outside and ride our bike." She nods vigorously and toddles over to get her helmet.

Hooray! Happy autumn!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love it! This is so adorable and such a great idea! I had no idea they made seats like that for toddlers! We love you guys!
