Monday, June 11, 2012


Meredith is really into "choo-choo" trains at the moment.  So much so that a new FAVORITE activity of hers is going to one of the train stations in the suburbs and watching trains.  Trains pass through every 10 minutes, and usually about every 20 minutes one makes a stop.  
Meredith is a bit shy at first with people, but when it comes to trains, she boldly calls out, "Hi, Choo-chooo!!" while waving her hand and repeating her enthusiastic salutation many times.  

A few weeks ago I found a "thomas the train" set at the thrift store for $2.  It has become her most played with toy over the past two weeks!

So...I thought it would be fun to take Meredith on a subway ride down into center city to meet Daddy for lunch.  What could get better - a train ride, seeing Daddy mid-day, treats for lunch, time outside...etc.
Meredith was super excited to ride on the train, however once we were under ground her excitement lessened and she scrambled up on my lap.  Hmmm...I guess the subway isn't quite as exciting as a real train. ;)

We had a great time in the city though, and a wonderful picnic in the park with Daddy!

 On the subway ride home, Meredith kept asking if we were "all done"...thankfully we caught an express, so there were fewer stops, was a long time in the dark for a 2 year old.  I thought when we got off she would high tail it up the stairs and out of there, but she surprised me with her enthusiastic, "Bye bye Choo-choo" called out dozens of times as we slowly made our way out.  :)

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