Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Piano Debut

Meredith and Daddy have a special piece together they perform several times each evening before bedtime. As you will see, Erik is intent on teaching her rhythm and rhythmic structure from the very beginning!  Meredith is catching on quickly and finds many opportunities to cheer for her own success! 

Gotta love those potty training undies too, huh? ;)


  1. Sooooo Cute!! I loved this video

  2. Wow this made me smile a lot. I'm not going to be able to make it to the concert on the 4th, which I'm really bummed about! Apparently everything in the world is scheduled for that day, and I already have two other commitments. :-/ I am however planning to be in the Philly area once a month until I go to Japan, so maybe we could connect sometime there?
